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(100) 1/2" PEX Stainless Steel Cinch Rings / Pinch Rings

Eastern Foundry & Fittings

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Product Overview

1/2" PEX Stainless Steel Cinch / Pinch Rings

1/2" Cinch Rings boldly go where those other fittings can't - mainly into tight, hard-to-reach spaces. With a unique "tab" design, there is no need to get a tool around the entire fitting. Simply press the tab closed with the CinchTool and the connection is complete.

This design offers a positive mechanical connection, ensuring the PEX Tubing is uniformly compressed against the fitting. The ratcheting CinchTool only releases when proper assembly is complete. No guess work is needed to determine if the connection has been properly made.

The unique CinchClamp design makes the new CinchTool dramatically simpler and easier to use. One tool installs all sizes from 3/8" to 1".

Why it's a cinch:

* Single tool used for multiple size rings.
* Ratcheting tool provides easy one-tool assembly.
* Wet and dry-fit capability.
* Final connections take only seconds.
* CinchTool only releases when connection is complete, ensuring a perfect connection.
* No calibration required on the CinchTool.
* Can visually verify whether connection is completed - tab of clamp is ";pinched".
* Connection rated to 160 psi @ 73°F; 100 psi @ 180°F.
* Clamp is an interlocking ring, forming a complete 360° uniform, watertight seal.
* Corrosion resistant, annealed 304 stainless steel(meets ASTM F2098).
* Uses ASTM F1807 brass or ASTM F2159 plastic insert fittings (plastic for potable systems only).


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