Due to issues with getting our shopping cart to properly calculate shipping, we have converted many of our products over to the "Free Shipping" model.

However, the following blog does still apply, and if you email us with your order specifics, we will be happy to quote shipping and offer a coupon to offset shipping costs.

Visit our blog Why Charge Shipping? for more details.

Sump And Distribution Boxes

At The Plumbing Mall, we offer a variety of sump boxes to meet your specific needs. Our sump boxes are designed to collect and remove excess water from areas prone to flooding or water accumulation, such as basements or crawl spaces. They are typically made from durable materials such as polyethylene or fiberglass, and come in different sizes and configurations to fit various applications. Our sump boxes can be used with a sump pump to remove water from the area, helping to prevent water damage and keep your space dry. Browse our selection of sump boxes to find the right one for your needs.

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