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Liberty P680 8" Basin Extension - X8-D

Liberty Pumps

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Product Overview

Product Overview

The Liberty MISC-X8-D is an 8" sealed basin extension designed to increase the height of Liberty PRO-Series systems by 8 inches. This allows for longer pitched pipe runs to the inlet connection, improving installation flexibility and performance.

Key Features:

✔ Designed for P680 Duplex Systems
✔ Sealed Basin Extension – Prevents leaks and enhances system integrity
✔ Includes:

  • Gasket & Stainless Steel Hardware for secure installation
  • Longer QuickTree® for easy float mounting
  • Discharge Pipe Extension for seamless system integration
    ✔ Compatible Model:
  • Model X8-D fits Pro680 duplex systems
    ✔ Factory Assembly Option:
  • To order with a pre-assembled Pro-Series system, add "X8D" to the model number
  • Example: P682X8DXPRG101

Ideal Applications:

✅ Sewage and Effluent Pump Systems
✅ Commercial and Residential Installations
✅ Basement Drainage and Wastewater Management

The Liberty MISC-X8-D Basin Extension is an essential upgrade for extending the height of your PRO-Series system, ensuring greater flexibility in installation and optimized performance.


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